KCRF (KC Restaurant Festival) is an event for Kansas Citys Restaurant Industry brought to you by Scavuzzos Inc and Liberty Fruit Co. This in-person festival is a cant miss event (if youre in the industry). Jump in the app to learn more!
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 // 2pm-6pm
Childrens Mercy Park (Concourse!)
*Network with LOCAL distributors and Manufacturers
*Meet, Taste and Discover Vendors, Farmers, and Manufacturers you dont know yet!
*Free Food, Drinks
*Live Band
*Networking and Industry camaraderie
*Treasure Hunt / Grand Prize- Chef-Driven KC Culinary Tours
*Warrior Tip Outs (Nominate someone today!)
*Live Demos
*Annual "Beat the Butcher" Game and more
If youre in the (restaurant) Industry, Youre IN!